Food Rescue Kitchen is a television series starting Saturday April 27 at 7pm or Stream Free on ThreeNow. This groundbreaking series showcases the incredible work of food rescue in NZ, and we’re so happy to have been a part of it. ​

Food Rescue Kitchen is more than just a cooking show – it's a movement towards sustainability, community support, and culinary creativity. Hosted by Naomi Toilalo, the show takes viewers on a captivating journey to discover ingredients that might otherwise go to waste. From pallets of mushrooms with too-long stems to overordered grapes on the brink of being sent to landfill, you might be surprised by what’s uncovered and how it is used.

Throughout the series, you'll see incredible culinary creations but also meet inspiring food rescue champions from NZFN Food Hubs. We’ll be sharing teasers for each episode in advance and sharing recipes and behind the scenes shots on our website.

Watch the trailer below and don't forget to tune in on Saturday!